Ecommerce Alliance AG stärkt Portfolio mit Übernahme der Mountain Internet AG – Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu einem führenden Digital Asset Manager in Deutschland

·      Vollständiger Erwerb der Mountain Internet AG von der Mountain Partners AG

·      ECA-Portfolio substanziell um acht digitale Beteiligungen ergänzt

·       Mountain Partners erreicht Mehrheitsbeteiligung an der ECA


München / St. Gallen, 05. Oktober 2017 – Die Ecommerce Alliance AG (ECA, ISIN DE000A12UK08) und die Schweizer Mountain Partners AG setzen mit dem angekündigten dritten Schritt die Vertiefung ihrer Kooperation erfolgreich fort. Ihrer neuen strategischen Ausrichtung folgend bündeln ECA und Mountain Partners zusätzliche Beteiligungen an reiferen digitalen Unternehmen unter einer einheitlichen Führung. Ziel ist es, die Entwicklung der Ecommerce Alliance AG zu einem der führenden Digital Asset Manager in Deutschland zu entwickeln.

Zu diesem Zweck hat die Ecommerce Alliance AG die Mountain Internet AG im Zuge einer gemischten Sacheinlage von ihrem strategischen Partner Mountain Partners AG vollständig übernommen. Mit der Übernahme der Mountain Internet AG wird das ECA-Portfolio um acht aussichtsreiche digitale Beteiligungen substanziell erweitert.

„Das Mountain-Internet-Portfolio ist sowohl mit Blick auf den Reifegrad als auch auf die Geschäftsmodelle der Unternehmen eine Bereicherung für die ECA. Mit dieser Übernahme haben wir einen weiteren Meilenstein auf dem gemeinsamen Weg mit Mountain Partners hinsichtlich unserer strategischen Ausrichtung erreicht“, sagte Daniel Wild, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) der Ecommerce Alliance AG.

Umgehend erweitert sich das ECA-Portfolio damit um namhafte Unternehmen, die sowohl die ECA-Brands als auch die ECA-Service-Unternehmen in ihrer Entwicklung stärken werden. Dazu gehören u. a. AlphaPet Ventures, bekannt als Betreiber der Premium-Heimtierplattformen und, die renommierte Personensuchmaschine yasni, die Online-Sprachschule Lingoda sowie Crealytics, ein Anbieter für automatisiertes Suchmaschinenmarketing.

„Der neue strategische Zuschnitt der Kompetenzbereiche wird sich wertsteigernd auf beide Partner auswirken. Dabei wird die Ecommerce Alliance reifere digitale Beteiligungen und Portfolios unter ihrem Dach aggregieren, um diese gezielter weiterzuentwickeln. Auf Sicht reift ECA zu einer börsennotierten Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit einem breit diversifizierten Digital-Portfolio und somit zu einer spannenden Investition für institutionelle und private Anleger“, erläutert Daniel Wild.

Im Rahmen des Verkaufs der Mountain Internet AG an die ECA erreicht die Mountain Partners AG einen Anteil an der Ecommerce Alliance AG von 50,1 % nach zuvor 31,9 %. Im Rahmen einer Kapitalerhöhung unter Ausschluss des Bezugsrechts der Aktionäre erhöht sich in einem ersten Schritt das Grundkapital der ECA durch Ausgabe von 1.076.088 neuen Aktien von EUR 2.959.242 auf EUR 4.035.330. Die neuen Aktien wurden in einer Privatplatzierung vollständig von der Mountain Partners AG gezeichnet, die im Gegenzug 62,6 % der Anteile an der Mountain Internet AG in die Ecommerce Alliance AG einbringt. Der Ausgabebetrag der neuen Aktien lag bei EUR 7,50. Die verbleibenden 37,4 % der Mountain Internet AG hat die Ecommerce Alliance AG in einem zweiten Schritt in bar erworben. Über den Kaufpreis vereinbarten die Parteien Stillschweigen. Mit dieser Transaktion wurde der am 24. April 2017 angekündigte Mehrheitserwerb an der ECA durch den Ankeraktionär Mountain Partners AG planmäßig umgesetzt.

Ecommerce Alliance AG publishes half year report 2017 – the full year target is already reached with three exits

• Half year revenue at TEUR 8,634 almost at last year’s level (TEUR 8,900)
• Consolidated net profit increases to TEUR 189 (previous year: TEUR -69)
• Positive outlook for the full year 2017 confirmed

Munich, September 6, 2017 – Ecommerce Alliance AG (ISIN DE000A12UK08) published its half year results for 2017 today. The reporting period was characterised by two major developments. The management of Ecommerce Alliance AG (ECA) decided in late April to enter into a partnership with the Swiss-based company builder and new strategic anchor investor Mountain Partners AG to allow a more efficient utilisation of growth dynamics and any opportunities for further investments. From this position of strength, ECA was able to implement important business strategic projects over the course of the reporting period. That firstly included two profitable sales from the company portfolio. These were the fashion platform MYBESTBRANDS and the brand marketing expert The Native Media Inc. A few days after the end of the reporting period, the third exit this year was the sale of the minority shareholdings in InterNations, a social network for expats. The company was therefore able to meet its declared target of three to four exits in 2017 already after just seven months.

ECA has therefore set a path towards sustainably successful business development in a market environment that is unusually challenging for holding companies. During the first six months of the business year 2017, ECA achieved a revenue of TEUR 8,634, which is almost on a par with the same period of the previous year, which was TEUR 8,900. On the earnings side, media and IT costs in the company’s Shirtinator holdings were noticeably increased. The additional IT investment will ensure sustainable growth. Investment in a new sales team for the media agency getonTV GmbH during the year was made in a bid to compensate for the loss of customers in 2016 and to further expand the key account area. ECA responded to increasing competitive pressure in TV marketing with targeted investments, which negatively impacted the gross profit margin in that area during the first half year of 2017. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) during the first half year of 2017 was TEUR -540 in comparison with TEUR 449 year on tear, while the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) was reduced from TEUR 221 to TEUR -691 year on year. The financial result was improved mainly due to the sale of shareholdings after a minus of TEUR 95 during the first half of 2016 to TEUR 944 during the reporting period. The consolidated surplus after taxes for the period January 1 to June 30, 2017 is TEUR 189 against a minus of TEUR 69 year on year.

“We are right now in the middle of a period of dynamic change at Ecommerce Alliance. And we always welcome change. The new partnership with our Swiss colleagues will allow us to drive our planned three-step approach of company building, venture capital asset management and the development of mature digital companies. The capital increase will, in line with our company philosophy, be reinvested profitably, promisingly, but also with the right amount of time and patience. I am very much looking forward to the road ahead”, concludes Daniel Wild, CEO of Ecommere Alliance AG.

Ecommerce Alliance sells minority shareholdings in world’s largest expat portal InterNations to XING

Ecommerce Alliance AG (ISIN DE000A12UK08) sells their minority holdings of 4% in InterNations GmbH to XING AG. The Munich-based InterNations is with its over 2.7 million members in 390 cities around the globe the largest network and information portal for people living outside their native country. The world’s most successful community for so-called “expats” (expatriates) offers comprehensive information about living and working abroad, as well as plenty of networking opportunities and most importantly: the possibility for personal exchange at more than 50,000 events and leisuretime activities, which are attended by 1.5 million people around the globe each year. XING is the leading social network platform for professional contacts with currently over 12 million members in the German-speaking region.

These two highest growth German networks are now joining together. The transaction is based on a basic purchase price for 100 percent of InterNations shares at a value of around 10 million euro. InterNations will continue as a self-sufficient business unit under its existing brand. While XING AG will continue to focus on the German-speaking home market, InterNations has had a distinct international emphasis since its founding in 2007.

I was one of the founding partners of XING in 2003 and am very excited that XING has taken on InterNations. XING AG, which is listed in TecDAX, has been a success for 14 years. InterNations with its wealth of international experience and know-how in terms of offline events is a perfect partner for XING and will allow quick expansions and developments with regards to offers and services for professionals nationally and internationally”, explains Daniel Wild, CEO of Ecommerce Alliance AG. The sale is further proof of the strategic foresight of Ecommerce Alliance AG: “We got involved in InterNations very early, because we recognised the huge potential that increased digital networking would offer individuals. Professional and private cross-border contacts and communication – direct and supported by innovative technology – these are important issues in people’s everyday lives. After the sales of MYBESTBRANDS, The Native Media Inc. and now InterNations, our planned three to four enterprise sales during the current fiscal year have already been completed. We are not just after making a quick profit. All the framework conditions must be right as well. This latest deal is also proof of the fact that the environment in Germany for profitable exits – in any aspect – is right and very much alive. We want to take advantage of that and continue with our strategy”, says Daniel Wild.